
The Token Engineering Commons (TEC) is an open-source, collectively governed project dedicated to advancing the field of token engineering in a regenerative manner. Its mission is to accelerate the responsible and ethical creation of public goods within the token engineering community.

This token economy is based off of 1Hive’s Gardens template and has a Bonding Curve. The TE Commons is an intentionally-designed, dynamic relationship between the TEC token holders, the resources they collectively hold, and the protocols that govern their interactions. By protocols, namely, this includes the smart contracts that tokenize the use of funds as well as the culture and social norms of the token holders that use tokens to fund projects.

The Token Engineering Commons (TEC) was launched by a Trusted Seed, a critical mass of experts in token engineering, decentralized governance, and commons management. The TEC features an Augmented Bonding Curve that feeds into a community pool of funds, which are disbursed using the Tao Voting Governance Mechanism. Since its inception, the Token Engineering Commons has undergone numerous upgrades to its initial design, continually improving its structure and functionality.

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Augmented Bonding Curve

Public Goods Token