Project Overview

Background and purpose

Traditional Dream Factory (TDF) is the first Project within the OASA network. It is their prototype for building a regenerative co-living model within the scope of OASA’s purpose and Principles.


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What Worked Well

What Issues Arose

Bonding Curve Mechanics & Design Parameters:


The CMM is a smart contract which mints new tokens on demand from the market, if there are Tokens left for the contract to sell

It is the primary market maker minting the $TDFs being sold during a continuous token sale running on the Celo Blockchain. The smart contract regulates $TDF price in relation to the total supply.

The contract will be initialized with the amount of Tokens available in the first round of funding, and can then be incremented by community governance.

Type: Augmented Bonding Curve (Commons Market Maker)

Shape: Logarithmic

Curve customization

LOCK PERIOD: Tokens purchased during the build phase of the project are locked in the Token Holder’s Celo wallet until the total amount of funding to complete the roadmap is reached, and the TDF construction roadmap is completed, which will trigger the so-called go-live event (see $TDF Target Supply Calculation), when the $TDF Tokens will become transferable and can be resold without limitation on public marketplaces. The activation of this go-live event will be by vote of the TDF DAO.


Asymptote price: $420

Point on curve: Price $300 after 2400-2600

BURNING MECHANISM: A burning function will be also deployed by community governance to be prepared for shrinking economic scenarios (not sure if this actually involves the BC smart contract)

Pricing algorithm