



Balancer Pools Basics

Rebalancing Token Weight

Managed Pools use two techniques for rebalancing Weight Shifts & Swap Fee Ramps. Both of these techniques rely on arbitrage to work. Technically, the tokens in the MP do not need to be available on a DEX. But it does help with arbitrage if they are. Therefore we recommend only using Tokens in the MP that have external LP’s.

You could configure an asset manager to be the pool arbitrager, but it is not an out of the box feature, someone would need to trigger the swap and the asset manager would be subject to the price impact.

  1. Weight Shifts:
    1. Weight shifts gradually shift token weighting based on time.
    2. Typical usage is to have a default state of trading turned on and slowly shift allocations over time
    3. A default state of trading means that a pool allows swap trades. These pools have the ability to enable/disable swaps at will, among other permissions, so a contract managing the pool is an important piece of infrastructure